Note. In the future there will be a second portion of this Store Access page for Publications.
At the online Audio Marketplace you can:
Click on whichever product page you wish to access for:
The Online Audio Marketplace index page provides links to all active individual audio product pages.
In alphabetical order
To directly access the online Audio Marketplace product page for both the Free Digital download, and at cost CD delivered by mail, click here for The Crucifixion.
This link provides access to the updated 10/6/2024 mastered and restored version 2, which also separates the audio into numbers. (Original version 1 was released in 1/30/2023.) This is a restored and mastered digital version created from the 1959 monaural, private release LP record of this historic, nostalgic, amateur recording. The LP was created in 1959 by editing together the best of the two 1959 taped performances of The Crucifixion by the 3 AHS choirs. (It is 41 minutes long, and Lyrics are included as a Bonus.)
The 1959 private LP is the historic, amateur, monaural recording made of the Annapolis High School's choirs performances of The Crucifixion. The performances, the LP, and thus the 2023 and 2024 mastered and restored versions of the album, are unusual because the performances are mostly a choral arrangement. This distinctively different, more choral interpretation, was achieved by using 3 choirs:
The result is a very interesting, dramatically more choral interpretation of this classic Holy Week (the week before Easter) piece. (Note. The sound fidelity is limited by the late 1950's consumer quality tape recorder and mic used, and the school's Hammond electronic organ.)
-- End of window about details of Hymns and Songs --
Details about history of making both the original recording and this mastered and restored digital file are found at Background on Historic 1959 Performances by Annapolis High School choirs.
Digital Download - Available for free! (If you want unlimited mp3 streaming from Bandcamp, they charge $1.00.)
CD - Available at cost, ($3.00, including shipping)!
Note. The CDs will be individually burned on demand for mail delivery. It will be a hand-labeled CD, i.e., a plain CD. The CD has the same 15 individual tracks as the digital version 2 download, giving you the ability to skip to any of Stainer's numbered pieces on demand.
Playlist for this 1959 AHS performance of The Crucifixion is available at Playlist.
To access the online Audio Marketplace product page for both vocal Digital download and CD, click here for Hymns and Songs of My Mother - Vocal Version
Playlist - There are 2 versions:
This is a very long, magnificant (almost 78 minutes, maximum length for CD) collection of 27 nostalgic, mostly traditional, dominantly public domain hymns and songs. David Goettee is featured in combinations of solos and various vocal harmonies with a number of other professional vocalists. Multiple types of accompaniments including: orchestra; percussion; real pipe organ; piano; Celtic harp; Shuttle pipe; acoustic guitar; and handbells. Together they magnificanltly make these hymns and songs professionally shine!
Note. 4 versions of this album are planned:
Release schedule for versions of this album:
-- End of window about planned versions --
Vocal - Digital Version
At Hymns and Songs of My Mother - Vocal Version, select Digital option for download.
(NOTE. The digital download version is on same marketplace page as the CD version. So, be careful you click on the one you want to order.)
Download format for digital audio defaults to one of the small, lossy, low fidelity formats, i.e., AAC or mp3. If you want an audiophile digital format, like FLAC or WAV, you must explicitly change the default download format by selecting one of those audiophile formats before clicking to download.
Vocal - CD Version: The option for purchasing a CD version from online Audio Marketplace product page can also be selected. At Hymns and Songs of My Mother - Vocal Version click on the CD option.
(NOTE. The CD version is shown on same marketplace page as the digital download above it. So, be careful you click on the one you want to order.)
Instrumental - Digital Version: [IN DEVELOPMENT - Available as soon as personal life issues allow.] When released, links for purchasing and downloading the digital version of the Instrumental version from online Marketplace product page will be placed here on this page to click on.
Note. The instrumental version is in the same order as the vocal version, with the exception that the 2 a cappella hymns ("Were You There" and "Just A Closer Walk with Thee") are omitted from the instrumental version.
Other Things Forthcoming in Audio Store - Winter 2024 The following products will become available in the Online Marketplace store.
(Future options are being investigated to possibly offer these songs as a collection on a digital EP or album, and possibly also as a CD.)
NOTE. While waiting for these individual songs to be made live on the online Marketplace, most can be previewed as mp3's on the webpage Duets with Terry.
(When released), to access song product page, click here for And So It Goes.
Downloadable digital audio file of a multi-part trio harmony version of this hauntingly lovely ©1989 (3:58 minutes) song by Billy Joel. It's simple accompaniment emphasizes the harmonies.
(Note. A solo version of this song is contained on the planned album, Nostalgic Solos.)
(When released), to access song product page, click here for I Am the Starlight.
Downloadable digital audio file for the baritone and tenor duet of this dramatic motivational song from the rock musical Starlight Express by Andrew Lloyd Weber ©1984 (3:53 minutes). Its dramatic synthesizer orchestra, bass guitar and piano accompaniment successfully capture the drama of this large, production number, much like the original stage production.
(When released), to access song product page, click here for The Rose.
Downloadable digital audio file of this hauntingly lovely ©1979 (2:50 minutes) song by Amanda McBroom. This is a slightly less formal version than the Bette Midler original, using guitar as the primary accompaniment. It includes another friend, Karen Davis, from the former singing group "Sentimental Journey."
(When released), to access song product page, click here for Welcome Home.
Because this is the only Contemporary Christian song included on the album Hymns and Songs of My Mother, we decided to also make this 3:07 minute song explicitly available as an individual song for download for those who especially like CCM songs. This became a favorite of my mother when the author and composer, Kathy Brigman Haupt, the granddaughter of mother's sister, wrote and sang this song for the funeral of my mom's sister. Thank you to Kathy for giving permission for me to arrange and make the 1st recording of this song.
(Note. eBooks purchased by themselves [not bundled with an audio product], require using a separate online Publications marketplace. Links will be added below for the Publications' Marketplace. See section below about the Publication Marketplace.)
Working title - History Through 27 Hymns and Songs. This ebook is the companion to hymns and songs recording. This extensive history eBook tells the events that happened around each of the hymns and songs, thus shaping their creation. (Currently in editing.)
[This will be available both as part of a bundle with the album from the Audio store, and separately as a standalone eBook from the Publication store.]
Advance Podcasts. Upon release of the eBook, History Through 27 Hymns and Songs (2024), we will begin releasing advanced podcasts of the 27 chapters and at least 2 of the appendices. They will be made available in 2 forms:
Audiobook. Upon completion of the Podcast series, for those who choose not to subscribe to the podcast series, the audiobook will become available for purchase and download (target later 2024?). It will be available as a bundled product in the online Audio marketplace. [A link to bundled product page in the Audio store will be added when available.] To purchase as a separate eBook, it will become available in the separate Publications store.
NOTE. The capability to purchase and download just a copy of the eBook by itself, i.e., Not bundled with an audio product, will be provided via the future online Publication Marketplace. (Details will be added here when this capability goes live.)
Forthcoming - 2024.
Working title - History Through 27 Hymns and Songs. (eBook pdf, companion to hymns and songs album. This is an extensive history eBook of the events that occurred around when each of the hymns and songs were written, thus shaping creation of the hymns and songs. [A link to product pages in the Publication store will be provided when this history eBook becomes available.]
For those curious about details regarding these projects, numerous pages under Recordings and Publications provide lots of background information about these TortoiseClimbing™ projects. Read at your leisure!
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