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NOTE. Because the original tapings were made with 1959 consumer product quality recording technology from a great distance, the audio fidelity of the original recording is Limited. As a result, the difference in sonic listenability between the Lossless and Lossy digital audio formats is not striking. Nonetheless, while this mastered and restored version is Not Hi-Fi in any format, the Lossless formats sounded the best to me. -- David
FLAC (All but Apple)
24 bit, 88.2 MHz (376,407 KB)
ALAC (Apple only)
32 bit float, 88.2 MHz (373,260 KB)
AAC (All - Generally better than MP3)
16 bit, 44.1 MHz (60,245 KB)
16 bit, 44.1 MHz (97,457 KB)
PDF of Lyrics and Performers
14 pages
PDF of Score
58 pages
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